My Story
You are not alone in your journey. We all have our story.
I have been where you are, just may look a bit different.
I know what it is like trying to fit in, trying to make my place in the world. I have felt lost, confused and wondered WTH am I doing here.
I have felt stuck, confused and desperately wanted to feel like I belonged.
Let's go back to the start...
My journey began one simple evening of conversations with friends. How we all knew that there had to be something MORE in life.
The conversations of energy work and spiritually surfaced.
I began to question it all!
I started to learn to connect to my own soul, through journaling and very beginner meditation. My intuition started to become alive within, and I began to feel and listen. My soul became awake.
Once I tuned in, I could not turn it off. And for me, just like that my life began to profoundly change.
My change was not easy, looking at and taking accountability for your behavior never is. I began to see the effect of my healing with those around me, and it was powerful. This is when I realized that I could help others feel peace, calm and alive once again.
Years later and continual investment in myself with taking classes on self growth and energy work. I stepped into my passion in supporting others, bringing self awareness and healing to those who were ready to shift. This path that I have chosen has ignited feelings of self worth, strength and confidence within me.
Helping others on their transformational journey is a feeling that is like no other, whether it is with personal spiritual growth or healing on a physical, emotional and mental level. It truly makes my heart smile!
For me it can be making my clients smile and for them to know that someone cares and is willing to listen and knowing that their feelings and voice are important.
I am married and have 3 amazing grown sons. I live in the country 30 minutes west of Saskatoon.
Get to know me Better!

I love dips!
Chip dip, cheese dip, dip, dip, dip, you name the dip, I Love it.
It is that simple!!
I love to dance!
I can dance by myself in the kitchen while cooking supper or in a group of people all by myself. Just me, the rhythm of my music and the heartbeat in my soul.
I love the ocean!!
Its a sacred place where my heart is content and where I can melt into a safe place.
PSSSTTT, I am a hockey mom and I love it!
I know have 3 grown sons now. But back in the day I spent many days/weekends or let me say most of my life at the hockey rink. These are still some of the best years of my life. All 3 of my sons continue to play the game they love and I still attend whenever I can.
After high school, I took my training in hairdressing courses. I loved the work, the connection, the creative avenue. I do miss this career at times but my body doesn't. It led the way for me to move onto a new passion.
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